The mission, goals and objectives of the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts are formulated based on its educational philosophy, organizational characteristics and specifics.
The mission of NATFA “Kr. Sarafov” is to:
- develop as a leading modern scientific, educational, social and cultural institution offering a wide spectrum of specialities and programs with theoretical and applied as well as applied science focus in the field of stage and screen arts, theatre and film critical studies;
- train highly qualified specialists adaptable to the dynamically changing cultural and social needs; build in students the knowledge and skills that will ensure their successful professional fulfilment;
- develop students’ creative gifts, analytical and communication skills, to encourage their critical thinking and broaden their cultural horizons;
- confirm in its educational activity the principles of tolerance, dialogue, cooperation, activity and initiative.
To fulfil its mission and in line with its specifics, the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts has the following goals:
- develop and further strengthen in the contemporary competitive environment its position as an authoritative, modern state-funded higher school and an unique creative, cultural and scientific center for the training of professionals in the field of stage and screen arts, theatre and film critical studies;
- continue and intensify the policy of cooperation, exchange and interaction with Bulgarian and foreign higher schools and institutions with similar scope of activity;
- maintain and enhance its prestige as a national and international center of continuing education, post-graduate training and retraining in the educational fields and specialities developed in the Academy;
- maintain and improve its activity as a center for improvement of the pedagogical qualification and methodological training of heads of creative academies and semi-professional and amateur art groups and formations.
NATFA “Krastyo Sarafov” pursues its mission and goals through meeting objectives which govern the educational, creative, organizational and public activity of the Academy:
- train students, doctorants and specialization students under programs meeting the modern educational requirements, the advanced technologies and achievements in the field of stage and screen arts, science and culture, economy and social life;
- strengthen and develop the main, service and auxiliary departments, services and units towards expanding and enriching the existing training and creative and scientific fields, the technical staff and the material resources with a view to improving the quality of educational services;
- put in place favourable conditions and the necessary organization for the creative and research activity of professors, doctorants, specialization students and undergraduates and graduates, as well as in the fundamental and applied fields in the area of stage and screen arts, theatre and film critical studies and humanitaristics;
- expand the activities related to the early identification of talented children and young people, for the work in NATFA’s schools and providing training for their further development and education;
- further improve the competition principle and the system of consultations for candidate students and entry exams towards most effective selection of candidates for the different specialities;
- expand the interdisciplinary focus of education; ensure a balance of theory and practice, of fundamental knowledge and forms of practical training, of special and general skills;
- optimize and apply effectively the academic quality of education standards and the evaluation criteria for the different subjects, specialities and educational and qualification degrees;
- receive full feedback from students, doctorants and specialization students about the quality of the knowledge and skills taught, the level of their mastering and the criteria for their assessment;
- owing to its specifics, NATFA “Kr. Sarafov” can work towards attainment of the national priorities and targets in the field of higher education, as well as in the field of Bulgarian culture, as set out in the Law for Protection and Development of Culture.
The mission, goals and objectives of the Academy are aligned with the values of higher education and public’s expectations. With its work, the Academy contributes to the fulfilment of significant national and regional tasks in the field of art, science and culture.